ThicknGorgeouz: All Over the Place
Rediscovering myself and the true definition of living life. On lessons learned, raising my child and building a family. On mending a broken dream, leaving bitterness behind, and indulging in lifes sweetest moments.
About Me
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Simplicity 2481 Baby Shoes
I made my lil mama some shoes using this pattern by simplicity. I found them easy to make and currently have a small assembly line waiting to run through my sewing machine. I altered the pattern a little to give the shoes more of a professional and finished look and didn't leave any raw edges by encasing the upper tops with bias tape. I also added a personal touch to the d
Final product. Here are two pairs that I've made so far. The pairs I made are from View D. I found that most of the pattern pieces are identical only differences among them were the notches and placement of marks. Once you made one it was easy to tweak the pattern and freestyle the sewing to finish the product to your liking.
The first pair I made I used felt as the lining and i liked the way it felt once the project was complete. It felt a lot sturdier and had more weight to it than the 2nd pair I made only using wonder under to fuse to the two pieces of fabric together. I think for my third pair what I'm going todo is fuse both fabric pieces to a piece of felt and see how that holds up at the end. Obviously these are not meant to walk in or for heavy duty use, but adding felt in between the two fabrics seems like it will increase the lifetime of these pretty little shoes and like they will hold up better.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
New Beginnings?
Can't beleive my last post was on June 18th of 2012.
Just to recap...I've become a mother to a beautiful baby girl named Eva. I named her after my mother whom I adore and respect with everything I know. I gave birth on July 18th, 2012 @ 4:51pm after 33 hours and 51 minutes of labor! I'll write a separate post on my birth story later. She just turned 6 months last Thursday and she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and her beauty flourishes more with each passing day. You can see her here.
I am working, took a year off school and will start up again in the Fall once my baby is able to walk. I have become quite the crafter! I love to sew and take photographs. I do mini photoshoots with my baby any chance I get and take my camera everywhere we go. Motherhood has changed me! I learned that no matter how much planning (or unplanning) goes into a pregnancy, you are never quite ready to become a mother. You are not given a handbook or instructions along with the birth of your baby; most of it comes naturally and is quite instictive.
Of course, with the beauty of motherhood comes the horror of the inevitable...the babyweight that stays on far after your baby arrives. I'm currently at my heaviest! Right after giving birth I lost weight...more than I began with in the first place but didn't last long befor the pounds came piling on.
That led me to join weight watchers! Yup...I joined. And it's been ok...for being my first week but I have to admit I'm not being as strict with myself as I know I should be and I find myself breaking the rules and making excuses for myself to eat badly. I can't help it...I tell myself i'm doing little It's It...won't do no harm...then I have another. Shame!
I'm not going to lie...I want Jennifer Hudson's body! If I can compare my body now to someone's it would be Jennifer Hudson's body BEFORE she lost all the weight. Girl had an amazing body when she was full figured...she's got the ass and boobies and the waist underneath all that weight and so do I so I have a visual idea of what my body could potentially look like if I lose some weight. Will I get to her weight now? I doubt it...I'm just looking to get back to where I was 2 years a comfortable size 14! I was happy at that size and felt great too.
So far I have to say that the process seems easy and straight forward it's just following and keeping tabs on yourself where it gets a little difficult.
We moved apartment for the new year and new environment for my baby! Our old apartment was very dark and dingy and lots of dust! I felt it was not a safe and healthy environment to raise a new born so I found a place with lots of windows, natural light, and a gym! But do I use the gym you ask...not yet. We even have a pool at the apartment community we live in, and a tennis court...havn't got to those yet but plan to. I know swimming is a great workout and I plan on getting started soon...don't know when exactly but soon none the less.
Since starting weight watchers I am more aware of proteins, carbs, fat, and just reading a's amazing how many changes you naturally make just by becoming familiar and understanding of that nuturition label...I'm more aware of portion sizes. I mean for every bag of potato chips there is 3 serving sizes...not eat-one-bag-at-a-time kinda deal. That's triple the amount of fat, carbs, and all that other nutrition label goodness in a I said...I'm more aware of these things now where as before I never bothered to look at the nutritional contents of my food, snacks, and junk all together.
I wanna lose weight for a few reasons. One because I want a change of lifestyle...I want to bring up my baby healthily and I want to be a role model for her. With what face can I tell her someday not to eat hot cheetos, snickers, donuts, and all this other empty calorie foods when she see's mommy stuffing her face with them herself?
I will tell you's becoming a challenge with my honey not really into portions or dieting all together! He's a beast at the table...if there's no tortilla's he'll eat bread slices like they're tortillas...NOT COOL.
Another reason is for me! I dont want to become a "vieja dejada". A woman that loses herself to her kids and doesn't bother looking great anymore. Does that make sense? It does for me anyway. I know what I'm talking about...
Anyway...I'll leave you with a picture of my motivation. My Evita. My little "Mamash".
Just to recap...I've become a mother to a beautiful baby girl named Eva. I named her after my mother whom I adore and respect with everything I know. I gave birth on July 18th, 2012 @ 4:51pm after 33 hours and 51 minutes of labor! I'll write a separate post on my birth story later. She just turned 6 months last Thursday and she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and her beauty flourishes more with each passing day. You can see her here.
I am working, took a year off school and will start up again in the Fall once my baby is able to walk. I have become quite the crafter! I love to sew and take photographs. I do mini photoshoots with my baby any chance I get and take my camera everywhere we go. Motherhood has changed me! I learned that no matter how much planning (or unplanning) goes into a pregnancy, you are never quite ready to become a mother. You are not given a handbook or instructions along with the birth of your baby; most of it comes naturally and is quite instictive.
Of course, with the beauty of motherhood comes the horror of the inevitable...the babyweight that stays on far after your baby arrives. I'm currently at my heaviest! Right after giving birth I lost weight...more than I began with in the first place but didn't last long befor the pounds came piling on.
That led me to join weight watchers! Yup...I joined. And it's been ok...for being my first week but I have to admit I'm not being as strict with myself as I know I should be and I find myself breaking the rules and making excuses for myself to eat badly. I can't help it...I tell myself i'm doing little It's It...won't do no harm...then I have another. Shame!
I'm not going to lie...I want Jennifer Hudson's body! If I can compare my body now to someone's it would be Jennifer Hudson's body BEFORE she lost all the weight. Girl had an amazing body when she was full figured...she's got the ass and boobies and the waist underneath all that weight and so do I so I have a visual idea of what my body could potentially look like if I lose some weight. Will I get to her weight now? I doubt it...I'm just looking to get back to where I was 2 years a comfortable size 14! I was happy at that size and felt great too.
So far I have to say that the process seems easy and straight forward it's just following and keeping tabs on yourself where it gets a little difficult.
We moved apartment for the new year and new environment for my baby! Our old apartment was very dark and dingy and lots of dust! I felt it was not a safe and healthy environment to raise a new born so I found a place with lots of windows, natural light, and a gym! But do I use the gym you ask...not yet. We even have a pool at the apartment community we live in, and a tennis court...havn't got to those yet but plan to. I know swimming is a great workout and I plan on getting started soon...don't know when exactly but soon none the less.
Since starting weight watchers I am more aware of proteins, carbs, fat, and just reading a's amazing how many changes you naturally make just by becoming familiar and understanding of that nuturition label...I'm more aware of portion sizes. I mean for every bag of potato chips there is 3 serving sizes...not eat-one-bag-at-a-time kinda deal. That's triple the amount of fat, carbs, and all that other nutrition label goodness in a I said...I'm more aware of these things now where as before I never bothered to look at the nutritional contents of my food, snacks, and junk all together.
I wanna lose weight for a few reasons. One because I want a change of lifestyle...I want to bring up my baby healthily and I want to be a role model for her. With what face can I tell her someday not to eat hot cheetos, snickers, donuts, and all this other empty calorie foods when she see's mommy stuffing her face with them herself?
I will tell you's becoming a challenge with my honey not really into portions or dieting all together! He's a beast at the table...if there's no tortilla's he'll eat bread slices like they're tortillas...NOT COOL.
Another reason is for me! I dont want to become a "vieja dejada". A woman that loses herself to her kids and doesn't bother looking great anymore. Does that make sense? It does for me anyway. I know what I'm talking about...
Anyway...I'll leave you with a picture of my motivation. My Evita. My little "Mamash".
Monday, June 18, 2012
China Glaze Naked
Naked - China Glaze |
I wore this polish last week and I didn't like it. In fact I couldn't wait to take it off and use a different color. The color itself is beautiful in the bottle, but I felt it was too much like Barbie's lipstick pink for my taste and that it didn't compliment my skin tone very well, but that's just my take on it. I think it looks better on toes, and the sparkles/reflects in it are dazzling :) That I can't complain about. The polish goes on strong and 2 coats will give you the true color, it dries fast, and doesn't chip for days.
Dresses from Burlington's
We went to Burlington's this Friday and I picked up two dresses. I love wearing dresses now that I'm towards the end of my pregnancy because they make me feel really comfortable and they are the only thing that I feel really showcase my pregnancy and my baby bump.
I've always wanted a white dress so I can wear my turquoise necklace with and this dress was perfect. I got an amazing deal on it too! It was only $16.99 compared to $32 at original price.
I love that this dress is very versatile, you can dress it up or down. I only wore the red heels for the sake of the picture, but I love that I can wear this dress this way after I give birth too. I ended up wearing red flats instead because hardly any of my heels actually fit the way they should. My feel swell up so bad they look like toads sometimes! I have to admit I dont like the look as much with flats as I do with heels, but its what was most comfy and that's pretty much more important at this point in my pregnancy :)
The 2nd dress was not so cheap, but still a good bargain compared to the original price. I think it's probably the most expensive item I've bought upto date for my wardrobe. It's a Calvin Klein Maxi dress that originally retailed at $129.99 and I got it for $49.99, so I saved more than 50%. and that made it worth it, plus it's SUPER super comfy! It kept me cool all Sunday when the heat was blazing hot and I just want to be in it all the time.
I've always wanted a white dress so I can wear my turquoise necklace with and this dress was perfect. I got an amazing deal on it too! It was only $16.99 compared to $32 at original price.
I love that this dress is very versatile, you can dress it up or down. I only wore the red heels for the sake of the picture, but I love that I can wear this dress this way after I give birth too. I ended up wearing red flats instead because hardly any of my heels actually fit the way they should. My feel swell up so bad they look like toads sometimes! I have to admit I dont like the look as much with flats as I do with heels, but its what was most comfy and that's pretty much more important at this point in my pregnancy :)
The 2nd dress was not so cheap, but still a good bargain compared to the original price. I think it's probably the most expensive item I've bought upto date for my wardrobe. It's a Calvin Klein Maxi dress that originally retailed at $129.99 and I got it for $49.99, so I saved more than 50%. and that made it worth it, plus it's SUPER super comfy! It kept me cool all Sunday when the heat was blazing hot and I just want to be in it all the time.
I dressed it up with a vest and removed the rope tie it came with. I paired it with some black thong sandals and a long gun metal chain necklace and watch for added accessories. We went to Dave & Busters on Sunday and it was HOT! Lucky for me I was kept cool in this dress and I was one happy comfy camper throughout the day.
Monday, June 11, 2012
34 1/2 Weeks & Family BBQ
I'm 2 days shy of 35 weeks, and my baby is starting to drop. I'm constantly running to the bathroom to empty my bladder! Sometimes I pee my pants cuz I don't make it on time or because a tinkle a little right before I sit on the toilet lol.
Went to LA this weekend to take my mom, niece, and nephew to my brothers house whom is taking them to Ensenada, Baja Mexico on Sunday to visit their parents for Summer vacation. My mom is flying out to Michuoacan MX, on Wednesday to visit my grandparents and hopefully will be back before I go into labor. She's due back around the 4th of July, but won't be back at our house till the 9th or so. I'm nervous and scared she wont make it back for my delivery and it means so much for me that she is there.
Anyway, it was extremely hot on Friday and Saturday in LA! We went swimming at the pool in my brothers neighborhood complex, it was so refreshing and fun! The kids had a great time and it was almost near impossible getting them to get out so we can head home, shower and prepare for the Pacquiao/Bradley fight.
My brother invited some friends over and we all had a wonderful time BBQ'n, chit chatting, and enjoying the family's company. The fight however, was quite a shock! Like any who watched, we all can agree Pacquiao clearly won but the decision was in Bradley's favor...I'd be ashamed of winning a fight like that but oh well...Pacquiao is still the champ in my eyes and in my heart and that's all that matters.
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34 1/2 Weeks, carrying my nephew Sai Sai |
Went to LA this weekend to take my mom, niece, and nephew to my brothers house whom is taking them to Ensenada, Baja Mexico on Sunday to visit their parents for Summer vacation. My mom is flying out to Michuoacan MX, on Wednesday to visit my grandparents and hopefully will be back before I go into labor. She's due back around the 4th of July, but won't be back at our house till the 9th or so. I'm nervous and scared she wont make it back for my delivery and it means so much for me that she is there.
Anyway, it was extremely hot on Friday and Saturday in LA! We went swimming at the pool in my brothers neighborhood complex, it was so refreshing and fun! The kids had a great time and it was almost near impossible getting them to get out so we can head home, shower and prepare for the Pacquiao/Bradley fight.
My brother invited some friends over and we all had a wonderful time BBQ'n, chit chatting, and enjoying the family's company. The fight however, was quite a shock! Like any who watched, we all can agree Pacquiao clearly won but the decision was in Bradley's favor...I'd be ashamed of winning a fight like that but oh well...Pacquiao is still the champ in my eyes and in my heart and that's all that matters.
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