About Me

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Extremely focused-Do not disturb

Here is another picture Vic took of me while I was working on a project.  I just got a brand new serger machine and I was frustrated because I couldnt thread it properly.  Luckily for Youtube, I found a step by step guide on how to properly thread my machine :)

But besides that...once I sit on that table, I am pretty much consumed by whatever it is that I'm working on, and unless I have to pee, drink water, or eat..I wont get up...sometimes I dont even have to get up to eat cuz Vic is always spoiling me by bringing anything to me :) Love him <3

1 comment:

Laura said...

Thank God for you tube right!
I always turn to you tube when Im having truoble with something and there is always something there that can help..